The ECOlogical Creation Story

In 2002, we exhibited our first black and white photocopied version of a winter season ECOlogical Calendar at the Bioneers Bookstore. The UTNE Reader saw it and wrote an article about the project. The article included a full color mock-up of a section of the ECOlogical Calendar. This led to many requests for a full year’s calendar that did not in fact yet exist. So we found a great publisher, Pomegranate Communications, and as they say "the rest is history."

The ECOlogical Calendar was conceived by Chris Hardman as a tool to entice people to engage with the natural world each and every day, to appreciate days, not as numbers in boxes, but as events in the ever changing cycle of time.

We've been delivering this message through the creation and distribution of the ECOlogical Calendar for the last 14 years.

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